Companion software and material to the paper
"Ordering of omics features using Beta distributions on Montecarlo p-values"

The package OMICfpp2 needs many other packages, some of them hosted by bioconductor.
If you have no bioconductor installed, proceed to Step 1. Otherwise, go directly to Step 2.

Step 1:

Being root (or a user authorized to write in /usr/lib64/R/library) load R and execute:

TIPO = "TODO"; source("")

This may take a very long time.

Step 2:

Later, also from the R console with appropriate privileges, install two private packages called tamidata and tami (in that order):

install.packages("",repos= NULL,type="source")
install.packages("",repos= NULL,type="source")

and finally, install the OMICfpp2 package itself:

install.packages("",repos= NULL,type="source")

If you have started in Step 2, you might still get a message asking for missing dependencies (other packages). In such a case, open and R console and do

install.packages("package_name") for each one

and try to install OMICfpp2 again.

Additional material

The additional files mentioned in the paper can be downloaded from here:
File SupplementaryMaterialAddons
File SupplementaryMaterialData
File SupplementaryMaterialMethods
File fun-BetaMonteCarlo20.R